Project Description

Thorben Stieler


Thorben loves gaining deep user insights and arranging them in conceptual frameworks. He is currently working with BCG Digital Ventures in Strategic Design.

After studying Cultural Anthropology in Rio de Janeiro, he graduated in Communication in Social and Economic Contexts at Berlin University of the Arts with a major in Business. For his final thesis, he conducted ethnographic research in favelas to find out about local sales behaviour. Besides his studies, he interned at EPZA Tanzania, planted coffee on Hawaii, and worked as a research assistant for his professors.

At Bazaar, Thorben takes care of user testing, conceptual work, and product management tasks. He aims for connecting the two worlds of locals and refugees by enabling them to share skills and become friends. Thorben spends most of his leisure time outside, is passionately playing volleyball, and believes that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

