Project Description
Juan Gómez Virgilio
Huichapan, Hidalgo – México
Juan holds a BA in Engineering of Industrial Processes and Operations from the UTQ, Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro (Technological University of Queretaro). He has structured and evaluated renewable energy projects in Washington DC, in collaboration with Harvard University and the Department of Energy. He has also served as academic technician at the UTQ, where he promoted programs such as “Youth researchers”, as well as mobility and academic-scientific collaboration programs with universities abroad, such as Purdue University and the University of Southampton in the UK.
Previously, Juan conducted a research stay at Purdue University’s Maha Fluid Power Research Center, which is focused on the development and optimization of hydraulic systems using multi-domain computer systems. He also has experience in various engineering disciplines, such as manufacturing, numerical control programming, mechanical design and analysis, and flexible manufacturing systems, among others; and he has worked in the metal-mechanics and aerospace industry through companies such as Bombardier Aerospace de Mexico, DANA Engranes cónicos and MAGOVE ingeniería, among others.
Project: CleanWatt