Labor Inclusion Projects

/Labor Inclusion Projects


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Linguoo is a Smart and Inclusive App created to listen online articles through a Global Community. It is a Multilanguage platform where readers from all over the world, narrate and record articles and upload them to our platform, making them available for everyone through web or mobile devices. Our global community is built by narrators


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Fundación: Mayo 2015 Misión/Propósito: Nuestro propósito es transformar el mundo de la tecnología a través de la formación y empoderamiento de mujeres jóvenes mexicanas. Mediante talleres de capacitación, buscamos cerrar la brecha laboral que existe en el sector digital rescatando el talento desperdiciado de los jóvenes que tienen pocas oportunidades e incluir a las mujeres en este

Inc. Ability

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Lori and Mafer generated a digital platform which creates a direct link between the visually impaired and their employers.  This aims to ensure the work opportunities of the visually impaired, and their meaningful insertion to the social and economic development of their environment. PROJECTS